$2.8M each year by giving "f**cking awesome museum tours"

30 Days of Focus Can Change Your Life

Each week I'm sending you a side hustle idea, stories of entrepreneurs who’ve executed successfully, and resources to learn how to do the same


Stuck... like a hair in a biscuit.

We've all been there.

This feeling that the situation behind us is the situation in front of us.

We're stuck.

Nothing's gonna change, so we might as well accept it and brace for impact.


That's total and utter horseshit.

(side note: I've just reread my opening sentences and my Kentucky's coming out in full force... probably because when I see people feeling this way, I legitimately feel it in my bones.)

Why do we allow ourselves to sit in this uncomfortableness?
In the stench of it?

Why don't we just hold our breath until it passes? (because it will)
Or get up and walk away? (because we can)

Because most of us operate from a "fixed mindset", rather than a "growth mindset".

Carol Dweck coined those terms based upon students' underlying beliefs on learning and intelligence.

Essentially, those that believed that they could improve their intelligence put in the effort and achieved improvement.

Those that believed their intelligence was fixed (pre-determined) saw the opposite outcome.

The good news is that it doesn't matter whether you have a growth mindset naturally or not. Like doing bicep curls, this is a muscle that can be worked and, ultimately, flexed.

In Jim Kwik's book Limitless he breaks it down into three dead-simple questions to ask yourself when faced with something new:

  1. How can I use this?
  2. Why must I use this?
  3. When will I use this?

As with anything in life, you'll have to put in the reps to see the results. But, I want you to start doing this. Ask yourself these three questions when having a conversation, reading a book, watching a documentary, listening to a podcast, engaging with social media... you get the point.

Make this a part of your daily routine and report back in 90-days to let me know how drastically your life's improved. I can't wait to hear about it!

As always, I'm sharing my thoughts as a way to help you. If it helps you, it could help someone else. So before diving into this week’s side hustle idea (below) feel free to share:

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One of the best company outings I had before my first company was acquired was a scavenger hunt through Greenwich Village.

I'm bastardizing the clues, because I don't remember exactly, but for two hours we ran around with clues like:

  • Find the NYC home to the brilliant mind behind Huck & Jim (Mark Twain's West Village Home) ✅
  • Jerry Seinfeld, Dave Chappell, Louis CK, and Kevin Hart can be found getting laughs here (The Comedy Cellar)
  • Go here when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month or even your year (Friends Apartment Building) ✅
  • The birth of the modern day LGBTQ+ movement began where this famous riot took place (Stonewall Inn) ✅

It was fun.
It was educational.
It was done entirely on foot?!

And, I remember thinking "what an easy lift for these guys".

They gathered us together to start.
Handed us clues for our mission.
Sent us on our merry way.

We were paying something around $50 per person for a company of 40 to run around and figure this thing out on our own!

Given the number of tours they had running, I estimate they were making something in the neighborhood of $20K/wk for 8-months out of the year.

$640K/yr. is nothing to sneeze at!

So, I wanted to see who else was doing this.

Who else is thinking local to make a dent in the $10.3B tour industry?

Nick Gray started Museum Hack as a way to give "f**cking awesome museum tours". He grew the annual revenue to $2.8M and went on to sell it.
Joe Griffith launched Wander New Mexico Food Tours as a simple walking tour in 2016 and has continued to grow it 70% year over year. He's now generating more than $30K/mo. and has earned a USAToday "10 Must-Try Food Tours in North America" ranking.
Mar Pages took over a women's travel Facebook group in 2020, as a passion project. The former Google employee quickly saw an opportunity and, by taking advantage of the small funding Facebook Community Accelerator grants, was able to turn it into Solo Female Travelers, the blog and women focused tour group that's doing more than $150K/mo.

Every time I'm back in Louisville, I'll grab a bite with my buddy, Garrett, and he'll always drop a fact that I've never known "this sandwich shop used to be the only ice distributor for the city in the 1800s".

Or he'll take me to a spot that I've never been to "here's the back way into Muhammad Ali's grave".

I live for this stuff!

This is your opportunity... There are just as many niche geeks out there who would die for information you have for your area.

It doesn't matter if you're in Louisville giving the history of the Derby.

Philadelphia eating your way through the best cheesesteaks.

Seattle stalking the top 10 employees at Microsoft.
(note: this isn't an endorsement to stalk.)

Or anywhere that people travel through...

There will always be an appetite for edutainment (show me a good time and let me learn something).

And local tours are a great way to charge $25 - $100 per person for your local insights.

Side hustles can eventually become your main hustle.

With a serious desire and a focused effort, you can eventually build something of value for yourself.

It may not be this week's example, but there are as many interests as there are people on the planet. And, there are as many ways to make money as there are interests.

Let's uncover yours together.

You got this!

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3X Founder (8-figures, 7-figures, & a dud) // Building 30 Days to $100K as the go-to resource for side hustlers, founders, and entrepreneurs who want to learn about opportunities and methodologies to grow their businesses.

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