$200K+ per year with a book club

30 Days of Focus Can Change Your Life

Each week I'm sending you a side hustle idea, stories of entrepreneurs who’ve executed successfully, and resources to learn how to do the same


The right words to the right audience at the right time will lead to the right action.

But, most people can only get 2 of the 3.

Brilliant wordsmiths with a massive audience and too early to market.

Wordy wizards who have a strong market behind them, but nobody to write for.

Or, the worst of them all, the best product with a large audience, but no clue how to write words that get them to take action.

If you’ve ever felt like that last group, then I have the solution for you.

The Alex Hormozi Method: 3 Pillars to Perfect Copy

Wait… this guy?

Why do I care what this nasal strip wearing, cabin in the woods looking, "meathead" says?

Because under all that muscle (and hair) is one of the greatest marketers and sellers of this generation. And his frameworks work.

4 companies scaled to more than $120M
2 books sold over 500K copies
5M+ fans on social media
$100M Net Worth

He keeps putting out hit after hit.

In fact, his most recent book launch, $100M Leads, was announced via livestream, where he had more than 500K registrants (the replay’s been watched more than 750K+ times and is a masterclass in value selling).

So let’s dig in. Hormozi’s 3 Pillars:

  1. What?
  2. Who?
  3. When?

Simple enough. Tell me more.

What - Four Elements of the Value Equation & Their Counterparts

This give you 8 variables to talk about your product or service through.

Who - Perspective from which you show the benefit (prospect, wife, kids, colleague, etc.)

If your wife is proud of you for losing weight and tightening your belt one loop, it’s a different feeling than if it’s your colleague or your kid.

Each perspective is a lens to look at the 8 variables through.

When - Over what time period does the pain or pleasure occur.

You can future, past, or present pace the pain or pleasure

Put these three pillars together and you have endless ways to describe the benefits of choosing you vs. the cost of staying the same.

This allows you to make unlimited ads and hooks that are relevant. That will strike different chords for different people.

Give it a try in your content this week and let me know how it goes.

As always, I'm sharing my thoughts as a way to help you. If it helps you, it could help someone else. So before diving into this week’s side hustle idea (below) feel free to share:

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I love the evenings I get to spend with my friends.

Good bourbon
Deep belly laughs
Thought-provoking questions.

You can’t ask for a better way to pass the time.

Almost everything in life is better with friends.

That includes reading a book.

Okay, okay… you’re not impressed. The truth is that every business opportunity doesn’t need to be world changing.

Sometimes it is just enough to connect over a common interest.

And books do that.

Beyond connection, though, the impact of reading together vs. alone is impressive.

Retention increases by up to 50%
Vocabulary increases by up to 20%
2/3 of people read more when in a club

And, everyone wants to read… or at least appear to be well-read.

Try scrolling through your social feeds without another 'Buzzfeed' style listicle on the best books for “X”... (even yours truly is guilty)

This is your opportunity.

We all know of Oprah’s Book Club, but it’s Reese Witherspoon's that has entrepreneurs taking note. She built her book club to 2.7M followers by sharing her favorite books with women at the center of the story.

She was then able to use that following to negotiate the film rights to the books she promoted to her audience.

If the audience took to the book the way that she did? Boom! Straight to the studio.

Her model?

Shared what she liked.
Book club tested what resonated.
Produced the film version of the winners.

And, all of this was on top of the advertising and partnerships.

Ultimately, this led to her being able to sell her production company, Hello Sunshine, for $900M.

Okay, I get it. We’re not Oprah. We’re not Reese.

But, neither are these examples of people who are building successful side income and businesses around their love for books:

Heather Caliendo built her online book club, Book Club Chat, into a $4K/mo. side hustle through SEO, Canva, and MailChimp.
Ben Keene crowdfunded his way to kicking off their side hustle, Rebel Book Club. As an entrepreneur, he wanted a book club for entrepreneurs. He's now doing $204K ARR.
Literati has turned the world's love of books (and, more specifically, book clubs) into a multi-million dollar opportunity. They've raised $40M in funding and are doing an estimated $18M in sales annually.

Whether localized or global, a book club is a novel idea (sorry… I couldn’t help myself!)

Use your love for community and reading to your advantage.

Side hustles can eventually become your main hustle.

With a serious desire and a focused effort, you can eventually build something of value for yourself.

It may not be this week's example, but there are as many interests as there are people on the planet. And, there are as many ways to make money as there are interests.

Let's uncover yours together.

You got this!

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3X Founder (8-figures, 7-figures, & a dud) // Building 30 Days to $100K as the go-to resource for side hustlers, founders, and entrepreneurs who want to learn about opportunities and methodologies to grow their businesses.

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