The subscriptions you already pay for are a 6-figure opportunity

30 Days of Focus Can Change Your Life

Each week I'm sending you a side hustle idea, stories of entrepreneurs who’ve executed successfully, and resources to learn how to do the same


“What a high muckamuck”
“Bless your heart”
“The industry”
“Hella tight”
“The city”

You ever talk to someone that “ain’t from around here”?

They say things in a way that’s distinctive.

Pay attention to this because each of these phrases tell you a lot about someone:

Where they’re from.
What culture they align with.
What generation they belong to.
What kind of mindset they possess.

And, if you ever hear someone say something that reminds you of home, the two of you become tighter than a bullfrog’s butthole (that’s one that you may hear in the sticks back home in Kentucky).

And this is your opportunity.

When you’re writing copy, marketing your business, or selling, remember who you’re talking to.

Remember how they speak.

This includes platform etiquette and formatting.

On LinkedIn & “X”, you’ll see this format.
Like a triangle that goes high to low.
This actually keeps your attention.
Each line is slightly shorter.
Until the end.

Then the reverse.
You build the other way.
You start small and get bigger.
It’s an inversion of the thought before.
Completely drawing the reader into your thoughts.

Or you’ll see the 1-3-1 method.

[1]You start with a single sentence.

[3] Follow it with three sentences in the middle. This is the meat of your sandwich. It's where you’ll add the bulk of your value.

[1] Then you bring the point home.

Pay attention to what people are saying, but also to how they say it... use the right words and the right formatting for the audience you want to attract.

This is how you insert yourself into their world.

Because at the end of the day, it’s about them.

As always, I'm sharing my thoughts as a way to help you. If it helps you, it could help someone else. So before diving into this week’s side hustle idea and the reason you're here (below) feel free to share to earn a JAM session with me:

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Stop paying for your subscriptions.
Get them to pay you.

The subscriptions you already pay for are worth thousands of dollars…

I have a Crunchbase subscription.

It’s a legacy account, but even with my discounted pricing I pay more than $700/yr. for access to startup company and funding information.

I’m not sure I need to pay this much, but I know that:

  1. I don’t want to lose my preferred pricing
  2. When I want the information, I WANT the information.

I’m sure there are a lot of people who feel like me, but will never pay for the service. Too steep a price.

This is an opportunity.

Let’s look at another angle. I have an Airbnb… stay with me, the dots connect.

To find an Airbnb worth buying you need to determine:

  • Which market does well?
  • Which houses are available?
  • Which houses are in your budget?
  • How much could you potentially make?

There are approximately 14,000 new listings on Zillow daily.
As a buyer, that’s overwhelming.

There are tools like AirDna ($50/mo.) and Mashvisor ($100/mo.) that can help in your understanding of the above, but matching the data between the tools and Zillow is time consuming and using the tools is cost prohibitive.

This is an opportunity.

You can use the data that your subscriptions offer you and add your insights to package an offering that people would pay for.

There are thousands of opportunities here (in fact the two above are actual 6-figure businesses):

  • Search trends
  • Businesses for sale
  • Airbnb homes to buy
  • Recently funded startups
  • Marketing copy swipe files
  • Job transfers in the past week
  • Top locations for digital nomads

The options are limitless. And here are some real examples of real people doing this really well:

Helen Guo spends 20-hrs/wk reviewing potential SMBs to purchase for her holding company. She passes on A LOT of quality companies. That data is worth a lot to others, so she shares these listings in her newsletter SMB Deal Hunter which has become a 6-figure business in only 4-months.
Alex Veytsman built a multi- 6-figure business by analyzing the 14K+ new daily sale listings on Zillow. After running them through different softwares and his own proprietary formula he sends recommendations for the best Airbnb investment opportunities to 30K+ subscribers via his newsletter, The Offer Sheet, each day.
Brian Dean (yep, the Brian Dean who sold his blog, BackLinko, to SEMrush for $4M) started Exploding Topics to highlight what's trending. He analyzes user search behavior on Google and through SEO tools. He's grown it to 7-figures ARR. This is my go-to to find new business and keyword opportunities.

Stop paying for your subscriptions.
Get them to pay you.

If you:

Subscribe to a single platform that helps you collect data.
Subscribe to multiple platforms and marry the data.
Collect data and make your own assumptions.

You have a 6-figure business in front of you.

Side hustles can eventually become your main hustle.

With a serious desire and a focused effort, you can eventually build something of value for yourself.

It may not be this week's example, but there are as many interests as there are people on the planet. And, there are as many ways to make money as there are interests.

Let's uncover yours together.

You got this!

Refer 10 Friends & Get a 1:1 Coaching Session w/ Me [$500 Value]


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3X Founder (8-figures, 7-figures, & a dud) // Building 30 Days to $100K as the go-to resource for side hustlers, founders, and entrepreneurs who want to learn about opportunities and methodologies to grow their businesses.

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